Those treatments utilize a combination of Cryo Slimming, Cryo Smoothing and The Vive Inch Loss Machine. Your Shapetress will construct a treatment plan to optimize your result.

Best prices in town on our sensational shaping services

10% off all products

The best discounts on other health enhancing services

Amazing discounts on our other Shapetress Self Care Services

Invites to our monthly members only events

Bonus services each month

Complimentary CEREGEM Lymphatic and spinal care session each time you visit! ($75 value)

Monthly samples and swag bags
1/2 Price Home Visits and Deep Discounts on Shaping Parties!
​Lean into your Shapetress journey and watch your body radically transform!
You know you need more self-care.
Let us be the place where you do it!
Choose a monthly treatment plan and get access to all of our follow up services at amazing rates!
No initiation fee or contracts! Just give us 10 days notice if you choose not to receive services the following month.
The longer you stay, the more experiences you accumulate.
It’s our way of saying, we love taking care of your beautiful body!
Kindly refrain from any heavy exercise before your sessions and we highly recommend coming fully fasted two hours before your session and refraining from eating two hours after. If you are receiving a face treatment, arriving without make up is ideal but we are happy to remove your make up for you if it is more convenient.
We would require you to fill out this form prior to your appointment.
While we do not offer refunds for any reason, we will do our best to make sure you are satisfied with your Shapetress experience and your package purchase can be transferred to friends or family, sold or be redeemed for luxury home visits and pampering shaping parties too!